Software development for construction and architecture

We connect companies with IT professionals.
We work with professionals.

Zprostředkování zaměstnanců


Online applications that allow you to view the status of your buildings in real time, from the comfort of your office.

IT Bodyshopping


Collect, manage and analyze digital data for your buildings. Data availability in one place.

Headhunting a poradenství v IT


Collaboration with construction companies and consultation with construction experts help us to develop our online solutions.

Electronic construction diary

MeetData presents the Digital Construction Diary, a web application that meets all necessary legislative requirements in the Czech Republic. The diary provides all users with secure and convenient data management. The Hector application enables you to check, export and share records for your projects. It also can be expanded to include other functions (eg Attendance, Weather, BIM). The platform offers solutions for a wide range of needs and preferences in the construction industry.

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